Digital preservation and accessibility systems of documents in art archives museums: Theatre Archive Museum case study

Document Type : Original Article


Researcher at Ministry of culture, Cairo, Egypt


         This scientific paper aims to clarify the importance of international standards in documenting and displaying the documents of art archives museums, as they are the legitimate channels for broadcasting and availing the heritage memory from the past to the present in a systematic and technical approach without distortion. The international standards provide regional and international protection for artistic theatrical documents through museum exhibitions. Museum exhibitions are among the most important tools that put people in the circle of interest of the rich and diverse cultural heritage to support cultural tourism. The paper uses the descriptive analytical methodology and the case study approach to examine, understand and explain the phenomenon in detail and deal with it deeply in order to identify museum exhibitions and their archival importance. Additionally, the paper looks at the role of the theater archive museum in preserving and developing theatrical holdings. The study reached to a set of results which are: the ability to document and describe the documents of the Theater Archive Museum in a systematic manner and make them available in a safe and legitimate manner that guarantees their protection from looting. Also, mastering the skills of preserving and preserving documents for longer periods in an environment good archival was a core result.  In light of these results, the study recommended a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: finding a mechanism for communication with institutions concerned with preserving artistic heritage as a supreme reference for the Theater Archive Museum, applying the necessary policies and standards that ensure protection for the museum’s heritage collections, working to promote artistic holdings and transforming them from a heritage memory into a living memory,  The museum is not a storehouse of heritage, while it is a tool for reviving the past, and the most important means of visual communication that spreads the values ​​of art, beauty and culture among civilizations.
