Digital Revolution and Its Role in The Development of Interior Design and Furniture for Banking Lounges

Document Type : Original Article




Digital and online banking services were revolutionized throughout the past five years as commercial banks took steps forward, especially in 2020 where the Corona virus pandemic took it's toll on the world, forcing banks to create new procedures, cut down working hours or close some of their branches due to social distancing.

Banks launched new internet and mobile banking services allowing users to conduct transactions in an easy and safe manner without the need to head to the bank.

They also offered a larger number of services on their mobile applications and created fully electronic branches.

Moreover, they utilized the use of artificial intelligence and big data along with other technologies within their services to ensure customers needs are well met, which was especially target to the younger customer who's looking forward to fusing technology with the services they receive.

Throughout this journey, interior designers had an effective role in developing an interior that utilizes the latest technologies, cost efficiency and time management without fully depending on human services.

Hence, it's undoubtable that the use of the latest technologies in architecture and interior design is the new direction to follow, it's an essential concept that should be followed by national banks in Egypt to ensure they keep up with current world wide standards.
