The Efficiency of Three-Dimensional Drawing Software in the Educational Process of Furniture Design and Manufacture

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Interior Design Basic Education College The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training Ardhiya, Kuwait


This study offers a widely used technique in the manufacturing of furniture by modeling three-dimensional parts of the furniture and assembling them in multiple steps. This technique relays on step-by-step recorded instructions to combine disassembled pieces and form a furniture unit. This technique, that relies on three-dimensional modeling and assembly, was applied to overcome the challenges of manual furniture drawing and design. The research applied experimental method to draw the furniture parts with the intentions of clarifying this system in learning the steps and principles of furniture manufacturing and the extent of this technique into construction methods and design in reality. The results of the study show the capability of the software on overcoming various issues in applying detail drawings exercises and developing the students’ skills in drawing using Sketchup software to reach multiple goals. Merging digital drawing technology in manual detail drawing exercises has led to positive results as displayed by the students’ displayed work. Our methodology helped the students in developing their furniture drawing skills as well.
