The Evolution of Advertising in The Post-Metaverse

Document Type : Original Article


the higher institute of applied arts 6 of october


The new virtual reality, which Mark claims is an alternative reality to sensory reality that disrupts social relations. The Metaverse project will also have serious educational repercussions. He explained that the "Metaverse" project was presented as science fiction novels, but it wanted to turn the person into a robot, and therefore everyone should be careful. The name of the company "Facebook" to "meta" is an update that seemed ridiculous to most Facebook users. In addition to the Facebook update, he added, WhatsApp and Instagram were updated to “meta”, which later appeared that the change was in the company’s name only, not in the names of the applications. Our real world has moved to another digital world, which caused an uproar in social networking sites as soon as it was announced. Metaverse is a space where avatars meet, an ecosystem of connected applications that integrate virtual and augmented reality to bring users into a kind of virtual universe with a mix of many devices that access a shared world over the Internet. Metaverse is not just an alternative to augmented and virtual reality. But it is a fusion of VR and AR plus all the other technologies, where users will have glasses and headphones to see and hear video and get fully inside game frameworks or application environment.
