Suggested form for the application of 5S system in educational laboratories specialized in fashion and textiles.

Document Type : Original Article


1 King abdulaziz University

2 King Abdulaziz University

3 King Abdulaziz university


The research dealt with the 5S system in the educational laboratories environment, specialized in fashion and textile in order to organize the workplace. Where it is an essential starting point for any improvements in work environment, for the easiness in understanding and applying it, and its possibility of applying it in different various work environments.
Applying systems and principles to improve and develop the work environment is one of the important factors to improve the performance of female students and develop their level of production.
One of the important matters that positively affects the level of student's performance is: arranging and organizing the contents of the clothing manufacturing factories in line with the tasks and activities of the students.
The aim of the current research is to evaluate clothing manufacturing laboratories in colleges specialized in fashion and textile and arrange a proposal to apply the 5S system in fashion and textile laboratories to improve the educational environment and evaluate the proposed model by specialists, students and graduates of fashion and textile.
The research followed the descriptive approach, thus following the analytical study to answer the research inquiries using the research tools, a questionnaire form by analyzing the results, the study concluded that the students lack awareness of the 5S system and that the fashion and textile laboratories suffer from insufficiency in the application of quality systems, and that 5S system positively affects the facility of movement and access to tools and equipment inside the laboratory.
