Enhancing Children's Behavioral Thinking By Designing Urban Spaces in New Residential Communities

Document Type : Original Article


1 Interior Design and furniture,Faculty of Applied Arts,Helwan University

2 Interior Design And Furniture, faculty of applied science, Helwan university

3 faculity of applied arts


To pay attention to the child in the pre-school stage a major role in helping him to grow properly in the physical, mental and social aspects of this research came as an attempt towards shedding light on the importance of the role played by interior design in urban spaces for the child and provide them with tools and all the elements of plastic and natural asa major element and influential on the ability of the child and his basic needs and recreational and educational spaces was necessary in that research to stand first on the importance of the The needs and design standards to be met in the child's environment at the internal level through the internal design of the child's urban spaces as well as at the external level by following up the performance of the message in the idea of establishing cultural recreational projects such as heritage gardens
