Risk factors in interior design projects

Document Type : Original Article


1 Applied Art

2 Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Interior and furniture design .Faculty of applied arts. Helwan university .


The Arab Republic of Egypt witnessed a significant rise in prices and inflation rates, and the subsequent economic openness and expansion of investments that centered on construction projects, which prompted contracting companies to win more projects, and this requires companies to have sufficient awareness of the methodology for managing construction projects in their various types, including civil, architectural and design. In view of the increasing growth, value and complexity of interior design projects, and the high level of risk and uncertainty that these projects are exposed to, it has become necessary for us, as specialists in the field of interior design, to address this problem in a scientific and systematic manner that lays the scientific and academic foundations for managing the risks facing interior design projects. A successful study that serves as the first pillar in that case, from which previous studies have been depleted.
Interior design projects are the essence of construction projects, so if the interior design fails, the construction will fail, so there is a necessary need for risk management throughout the construction process as a central element that prevents undesirable consequences from occurring, so the need for the issue of confronting risks became an essential element for the success of all actors in the project. Risk management is not only interactive and should be designed to be part of the planning process to know the risks that may occur in projects and how to control them.
